The 8th High Level Dialogue meeting: The Year of Refugees Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons towards durable Solutions to forced Displacement in Africa Kampala Uganda


  • Raised issues of forced displacement in Africa
  • Facilitate the exchange of experiences and comparable lessons among AU members and stakeholders on the durable solutions to forced displacement
  • Discussion on shared responsibilities and the Role of the UN humanitarian and development partners as well as African actors to support AU member states towards the fulfillment assistance and protection of refugees Returnees and IDPs

Mrs. Michelle, Mrs. Nicholine, and Ms. Mirene Representing CAWOPEM Banjul –Gambia at the side event on Women’s Rights in Africa and the Case of Cameroon The 8th high level dialogue held in Kampala from the 4th to the 6th of December 2019 was convened by the African Governance Architectures .The dialogue provided a platform for reflection on the 2019 AU theme of the year of Refugees Returnees and IDPS Discussions at the dialogue emphasized on international continental regional and national policies and institutional frameworks for forced displacements. Focus was given to the OAU Refugee convention and the Kampala convention.

The dialogue centered on

  • Forced displacements in Africa, Implementation of durable solutions to forced displacement in Africa, Securing the rights of refugees and returnees and IDPs, Addressing the need for justice for displaced persons, Managements of Returnees Policy, Burden sharing and the role of international Actors
  • Policy recommendations and practical proposals for the future well being of refugees’ returnees and IDP